Diversity, Equality & Inclusion

The whole point of organizational life is that groups of people can see more options and make better decisions than individuals working in isolation. But that is true only insofar as the individuals are different from one another and work in an environment where that difference is seen as an asset, not an issue. So it is easy in principle, hard in reality.

This SkillStack will hear from award-winning though leaders on how identify your own biases and then to create an environment of safety, where diverse perspectives are welcomed and included. You will also learn how identify values conflicts, where diverse views collide and how to best navigate, through legitimate decision making.

Learning Objectives

In this SkillStack you will learn practical tools to understand your lived context, how to live your values, understand the true impact of your micro aggressions, how tackle bias head-on and how to be an authentic ally.

Joanna will share stories, anecdotes, examples of effective practice and how to identify and challenge your own bias while being an ally for yourself and others. It will address how to demonstrate anti behaviours to ensure that we can all thrive with dignity.

In this SkillStack, Margaret will share what she has learned through researching her award-winning books, her TED talks, personal experiences as a CEO, TV Producer, Professor and advisor.

It will help you understand the reality of diversity: where its value really lies, why it matters so much and how to achieve it. Learn the difference between lip service and action through Margaret’s 5 Principles.

Barbara will guide you through the science an art of creating psychological safety, through identifying the signals and what steps to take to improve it.

This SkillStack will unlock your ability to influence great change while creating an environment for greater freedom of expression with respect.

In a polarised world, everyone will encounter a values conflict: when you are asked to do something that doesn’t feel quite right to you. When this happens, most people stay silent.

This has consequences: it leads to disengagement, anger, cynicism—and, frequently, to small problems growing into huge crises. In this SkillStack, Margaret will teach you; how to identify and recognise a Values Conflict and how to navigate it sensitively and respectfully.

Equity boils down to leaders making consistent, just decisions. This is achieved through achieving legitimacy in the decision making process. So what are the processes and procedures that help you make legitimate decisions?

In this SkillStack, you will learn the 5 Questions to ask when making decisions, to assess the kind of decision that must be made, who needs to contribute to it, and how to judge whether the hypothesis behind your choice is just.

Identifying the inherent or systematic biases held within this information requires new levels of critical thinking, bias detection and handling. This SkillStack will teach you how to harness the power of your diversity to help detect and handle systematic biases within technology and information it yields.

Skill Stack Online learning For Leadership Skills

Bias: Challenge Yours & Be an Ally for Others, with award-winning DEI Leader, Dr. Joanna Abeyie, MBE

What to Expect:

In this lesson you’ll hear from Dr. Joanna Abeyie MBE CC, a multi-award-winning Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility (EDIA) leader, pull from her pioneering work as a Civil Service Commissioner, a Common Councillor for the City of London, a Co-Secretariat of the Creative Diversity All Party Parliamentary Group and as former Head of Creative Diversity at the BBC.

Joanna’s lesson will include practical tools to understand your lived context, how to live your values, understand the true impact of your micro aggressions, how tackle bias head-on and how to be an authentic ally.

She will share stories, anecdotes, examples of effective practice and how to identify and challenge your own bias while being an ally for yourself and others.

Learnng Objectives:

Businesses are only as good as their people, and whether you are at the beginning of your career, experienced or a senior leader, inclusion, equity, accessibility, and diversity is your responsibility.

We are all accountable for ensuring psychological safety for our people to create an environment where all are treated with respect. In this skill stack, you will learn what EDIA means for you and your organisation. How to live your EDIA values day-to-day, and how to lead inclusively through your actions and ensure equity for all top-down and bottom – up.

We will address how to demonstrate anti behaviours to ensure the best talent can thrive with dignity.

Key Takeaways:

1. Understand the origin and impact micro and macro aggression

2. Anti-behaviours. How to spot them and what to do

3. Emotional maturity and intelligence

4. Allyship: What it means, how to express it for impact.


Skill Stack Online learning For Leadership Skills

Developing Diverse Perspectives with award-winning Author & TED Speaker, Margaret Heffernan

What to Expect:

The whole point of organizational life is that groups of people can see more options and make better decisions than individuals working in isolation. But that is true only insofar as the individuals are different from one another and work in an environment where that difference is seen as an asset, not an issue. So it is easy in principle, hard in reality.

In this SkillStack, Margaret will share what she has learned through researching her award-winning books, her TED talks, personal experiences as a CEO, TV Producer, Professor and advisor.

Learning Objectives:

This SkillStack is aimed at helping managers understand the reality of diversity: where its value really lies, why it matters so much and how to achieve it. Learn the difference between lip service and action. 5 Principles:

Key Takeaways:

1. Know your bias. It’s biological.

2. The Cost of Similarity: Similarity is predictable and unlikely to bring diverse perspective to decisions or work.

3. The Greatest ideas come from unexpected places. Crowdsource diverse input.

4. Diversity brings disagreement. Challenge the idea and not the person.

5. Diversity needs support. Hire diverse people and then support them.

Skill Stack Online learning For Leadership Skills

Creating Psychological Safety with EQ and Leadership Expert, Barbara Nugent

What to Expect:

In this SkillStack you will hear Barbara Nugent share stories, strategies and lessons on how to create psychological safety.

Barbara, EQ expert and Founder, coaches executives around the globe, advocating for enhanced self-awareness & emotional intelligence, where you can tune in to your ability to respond to the situation at hand, rather than react.

Barbara will guide you through the science an art of creating psychological safety, it’s impact on you and others.

Understanding your ability to influence great change for the better in your work environment, and indeed your personal world, striving to do better, be better and inspire better.

Learning Objectives:

In this SkillStack you will learn:

  • What psychological safety is and why it matters.
  • What signs of low psychological safety are.
  • What steps you can take to foster psychological safety in your team.
  • How you can contribute as a team member.


Key Takeaways:

1. The four pillars of psychological safety.

2. Signs of low psychological safety.

3. How to foster psychological safety

4. The four actions to take to create it.

Skill Stack Online learning For Leadership Skills

Giving Voice to Values with award-winning Author & TED Speaker, Margaret Heffernan

What to Expect:

In this SkillStack, Margaret will share what she has learned through researching her award-winning books, her TED talks, personal experiences as a CEO, TV Producer, Professor and advisor.

At some point in a career, everyone will encounter a values conflict: when you are asked to do something that doesn’t feel quite right to you. When this happens, most people feel they have 2 choices: stand on a table and scream, or stay silent.

We know that mostly people stay silent. This has consequences: it leads to disengagement, anger, cynicism—and, frequently, to small problems growing into huge crises.

Organisations would be healthier and safer if everyone knew how to raise concerns safely and constructively. In a polarised world, this has never been more important.

Learning Objectives:

In this SkillStack, you will learn how to identify a values conflict when it arises and how to compose a strategy for dealing with it. 5 Principles:


Key Takeaways:

1. How to identify and recognise a Values Conflict.

2. Who are your allies? Are others as concerned as you are?

3. Who is involved & What is at Stake?

4. The Power of Questioning. Non binary questions open conversation and expression of thought and beliefs when asked in the right way and in the right tone.

5. Consider the longer purpose. Question underlying assumptions. Identify costs on each side. Assume goodwill and pragmatism.

Skill Stack Online learning For Leadership Skills

Good Decision Making with award-winning Author & TED Speaker, Margaret Heffernan

What to Expect:

In this SkillStack, you will learn from award-winning author, TED Speaker and world renowned entrepreneur, Margaret Heffernan on how to approach decision making. It is the bread-and-butter of management but also its most difficult part. Managers feel pressure to make popular decisions but yielding to that is not always the right thing to do. The business ethos today often prioritises speed and confidence, but doubt and delay can be very helpful.

Every decision is really a hypothesis about the future: if we do X, then we expect Y as a result. That means all decisions address uncertainty with imperfect information. Each choice is made in a specific context, so what worked yesterday might not work tomorrow.

What this means is that all decision making takes place in the midst of uncertainty and risk. So what are the processes and procedures that help managers make sound decisions?

Learning Objectives:

In this SkillStack, you will learn the 5 Questions to ask in how to approach decision making, to assess the kind of decision that must be made, who needs to contribute to it, and how to judge whether the hypothesis behind your choice is sound.

Key Takeaways:

1. Definition: What is a good decision?

2. Agendas & Stakeholders

3. Exploring the options

4. Pre & Post-mortems

5. Cooling off periods

Skill Stack Online learning For Leadership Skills

Bias Detection & Handling with award-winning DEI Leader, Dr. Joanna Abeyie, MBE

What to Expect:

In this lesson you’ll hear from Dr. Joanna Abeyie MBE CC, a multi-award-winning Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility (EDIA) leader, pull from her pioneering work as a Civil Service Commissioner, a Common Councillor for the City of London, a Co-Secretariat of the Creative Diversity All Party Parliamentary Group and as former Head of Creative Diversity at the BBC.

As we face into an increasingly complex augmented working world, how we detect and handle bias in technology, information and systems will determine fact from fiction, opportunity from risk. In this SkillStack, Joanna will share a toolkit to helps navigate this.

Learning Objectives:

AI is generating an unprecedented volume of information that’s reshaping work as we know it. Identifying the inherent or systematic biases held within this information requires new levels of critical thinking, bias detection and handling.

This SkillStack will teach you how to harness the power of your diversity to help detect and handle systematic biases within technology and information if yields.

Key Takeaways:

1. Understanding unintentional structural bias in technology and data generated by AI

2. Start with the end user in mind

3. Test tech and data with a diverse internal group of stakeholders

4. How to handle bias once detected

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